Fire Systems With You In Mind

Fire Alarm Systems
Our installation engineers are fully qualified to install, maintain and repair all kinds of fire alarm systems including addressable systems, conventional systems, HSSD systems and gas suppression systems. We maintain and extend existing systems to the current British Standard. All our engineers are certified by the ECA

Emergency Lighting Systems
We maintain and repair emergency lighting systems of all kinds. We ensure that, the escape route are indicated clearly, the escape route is appropriately illuminated to enable safe movement towards final exit, fire alarm call points and fire fighting equipment can be readily located during fire emergency We provide year round emergency call out service for any issues related to your emergency lighting system.

Fire Safety Signs
Direct Fire Protection Ltd designs and installs the right system to ensure you comply with the current British Standard at all times. Our installation portfolio includes offices, shops, schools, nursing homes, guest houses, hotels and all kinds of commercial and manufacturing units. We provide and install safety signs as appropriate and mandatory for your premises.

Fire Extinguishers
Direct Fire Protection Ltd supplies, installs and maintains a wide range of fire fighting equipment. Our trained technicians carry out regular inspections to ensure they are maintained to the highest standards at all times.

Dry and Wet Risers
Just Installing dry/wet risers is not enough. It’s important to maintain them to ensure they will work in times of emergency. Our qualified mechanical service engineers will test, inspect, repair and review your existing dry riser systems. We check and pressure-test your dry risers once a year before offering a certification. You can also opt for our six monthly visual test to check for damaged or missing items.
Call Direct Fire Protection Today: 01925 221558